Truequete is a socio-cultural animation Project

Truequete is a socio-cultural animation Project, carried out in Alberdi (neighborhood), which emphasizes drama in relation to other disciplines. This artist collective is a place where we barter experiences; a place that allows us to meet the Other in harmony to become the Same and feel at ease with ourselves and that allows us to take a break from routine. Truequete is the place where learning through the arts paves the way for the neighborhood’s cultural development.


Próximo Evento 13/11- Plaza Cisneros

Proximamente... Evento con grupos de danzas folcklóricas bolivianas, argentinas, grupo musical peruano y argentinos.

16 hs. Plaza Cisneros. 9 de Julio y A. Orgaz.

Organizan: Centro Vecinal Alberdi, Grupo Musical "Internacional Delicias del Perú".
Adhieren: Proyecto "Igual que allá en la Isla de los patos." Trabajo de Extensión Universitaria. U. N. C.

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